Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cherry Sunshine

I’ll admit it. I’ve been feeling a bit sorry for myself recently.

Getting up at 5:00 AM to study for statistics quizzes, multiple accounting quizzes due, the closing of the ice cream shop that carried my favorite ice cream (amaretto), an influx of multiple new accounting duties, a team project in management, lack of sleep, lack of time, multiple other stresses…my list could go on and on. I can find plenty of reasons to feel blue.

But tonight, I found a small ray of sunshine on the shelves at Wal-Mart—cherry 7-Up and Almond Crescents Cookies. Ah! Cherry 7-Up is something I’ve only been able to find when I’m on trips, and Almond Crescents are only available during the holiday season. Maybe there is hope on the other side of all this stress or possibly even in the midst of it.

On another note…how strange is this? I love cherry 7-Up, Almond Crescents, and amaretto ice cream. These all have a cherry-type flavor, but I can’t stand cherries. I’m not sure if I’ve ever eaten a piece of cherry pie. Oh, I can choke a cherry down if I have to, to get to the cream cheese beneath it, but I don’t enjoy it.

Well, I believe I’ll go have a drink and a cookie. Or two.


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