Thursday, May 17, 2007

Appreciating Art. Or Not.

The thing about art is that anyone can do anything and call it art. Take, for instance, Fountain by Marcel Duchamp. I’m sorry, but I just have a hard time appreciating that as art. I can really appreciate it when it’s used as it’s intended to be used, but art?? Nah.

My teacher said something on Monday about some people being able to look at a piece of art and get a certain meaning out of it. Other people look at it and get nothing out of it. He asked a question about a work having that actual meaning or is it a case of “the emperor has no clothes?” I, being a non-artistic person, think that there’s a lot of time, energy, and money spent on a lot of emperors running around in their underwear.

I’ve had three days of class and already have a test scheduled for tomorrow. Seems kinda harsh, but there’s no help for it. Here’s how my three-week course should shake out: one holiday, four exam days, ten and a half lecture days (two and a half hour classes with none lasting that long so far) with a possibility of one of those days being spent drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Incredibly expensive for what I’m getting out of it, but considering I really don’t want much out of it (I really don’t like the humanities category of general education) that’s not too bad, huh?


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Lucy said...

Hello, I hope you don't mind me commenting.I'm from the MennoDiscuss group.
As an art student, I loathe the idea of conceptual art as encouraged by Duchamp; Duchamp took another person's creation, scribbled innuendo slang on it and called it his own. I guess everyone in the art world does a bit of copying, but Duchamp brought copying to a low level.


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