Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Tonight was the opening night of mowing season. I have ignored it for a good while, but when Kris’s dog began to nearly disappear into the grass I figured that maybe it was time.

There is something almost therapeutic in getting on the mower with some music and just mowing. Forget that I can’t seem to get “relativpronomen” in German and that Gender & Sexuality (yup, that’s the current topic) will give way to reading about a voodoo priestess in Anthropology (quite frankly, I think I’d rather stick with the Gender & Sexuality)—I’ve got a lawn that needs cruising, some music that needs my accompaniment, and a neighbor to entertain. (He’s an old fella that occasionally stands in his back yard across the road and tries to discretely watch me mow. Except he’s not as discrete as he may think he is. I can see past my sunglasses. So I discretely keep an eye on him to see just what he’ll find to do next so he can keep on watching. It amuses me.)

I told the lady upstairs that the flowerbeds probably won’t get touched much by me this summer. The spring semester will end on May 12th. On May 16th I will be leaving for Germany and will return on May 29th. My summer semester will start on June 5th and last until July 7th. I had wanted to go to the FB College Retreat the first of July but things aren’t looking so good in that realm. And then in August I’m going to have to take a jaunt out to Virginia to have my pictures taken. :)

As much as I enjoy cruising with my music, I think it’s going to get in my way this summer. Maybe tall grass will be in vogue this summer.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger Sara said...

So how bad are the flowerbeds by now?


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