Thursday, July 27, 2006

Nearing Temporary Freedom

On Monday night, I finished and submitted the last of my eleven Excel cases for this semester—two weeks ahead of schedule. I’m very happy about it.

On the other end of the spectrum, I have a PowerPoint presentation due by 11 PM tomorrow night. I really don’t have much to say about Accounting Information Systems. I’d really rather say nothing about AIS. I am very grateful that I don’t have to do the actual presentation, only the PowerPoint for a presentation. This post would be a direct result of procrastination related to my PowerPoint project.

If I can just eke this presentation out, I’ll be basically home free for the rest of the summer. I will have four more quizzes—a 20-question, open book, 20-minute time limit quiz due twice a week for the next two weeks and a 150-question, open book, 2-hour time limit final due at the end of those two weeks. The rest of the project deadlines in the class have been met. Su-weet!!

My favorite part of the class has been the Excel cases. I love Excel. One of the last cases taught us how to create a macro and then create a button to perform the macro. Macros have always intimidated me. Obviously I didn’t even know what a macro is. I do now, and it makes me feel so smart to know how to use such a simple thing. It was rather silly that I never figured it out before. I’ve been brainstorming how I could use it in some of my Excel files at work.

I really have learned a lot about Excel in the past two years, both in and out of school. I know that I still don’t have the ability to use it to its full potential. Nowhere near even. Maybe someday I can take a class that focuses only on Excel.


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