Bad Morning
This morning I woke up and glanced at my clock. I knew it couldn't be right so I went to my computer and turned on the screen to check the time. A feeling of horror washed over me as I realized that my bedside clock was, indeed, right. I had just overslept by, not thirty minutes, not an hour, but a whopping hour and forty-five minutes.
I humbly went to the phone and dialed O&S's number. Wayne answered with a cheery hello and I went straight into my confession.
"I have just overslept big time" I said, meekly. "I just woke up."
"Well, I kind of wondered," he said, "I just thought to myself, 'She doesn't do this often, but she sure must have done it this time. She must need some extra sleep.'"
I told him that a phone call would really have been in order and he just chuckled and told me to take my time and get there when I could.
I felt drugged all morning long and didn't really feel awake until after noon. I may have to implement the two alarm system that I was using several years ago.
I really don't enjoy humble pie. At all.
The end of the semester is in sight. And it's high time. I've had about as much as I feel I can handle in some of my classes, my English class in particular. I've finished both of the big essays in that class and only have one more in-class essay to go and then the final. The in-class essays are just awful. Just fifty minutes to write an essay that makes sense...that is simply not in my nature!! I could spend more time than that just thinking about it, much less write it in that time. I've still received no grades back on any of the homework. I've received grades for 3 quizzes and one on a rough draft on the first essay and that's it. Last night I actually got a chance to ask Mr. C how I'm doing and he thought that I'm doing fine. I guess "fine" is open to interpretation. I'm down to having to attend that class only two more times. PTL!!
My music class continues to be a wonderfully homework-free class. If I can make at least a 78 on the next test, I won't have to take the final. We've spent a lot of time recently, watching films of musical performances. Mr. G usually turns out all the lights and we watch it in the dark. I've had moments of extreme sleepiness and, while I've never gone into a full sleep, there have been times when I lost full consciousness for a few seconds. Several of the times that I was so extremely sleepy, Mr. G was sitting right across the aisle from me. It would have been disastrous for my head to hit the table with him right there. A guy that sits right behind me has had the audacity to go to sleep and then to start SNORING. He's just lucky that Mr. G hasn't caught him at it. The only major hurdle that I anticipate in this class is to get a good enough grade on the next test to eliminate the final.
My health class doesn't meet this week, for which I'm grateful. The next time we meet, we have a test and I'm not looking forward to it. It's pretty important that I do well on all my tests in this class from here on out if I want to make an A because I managed to bomb the second test. Fortunately, Mrs. W offered two extra credit opportunities to bring that grade up 4 points but it definitely was a wake-up call. After next week's test, I think there is only one more test, the final, and it's not comprehensive, which is a relief!
I really didn't think I'd ever say this, but I actually kind of enjoy algebra (for now), now that some of mental blocks have been destroyed. I still have my moments but the glee that I feel when I've finished a problem and check the answer in the back of the book to find it's correct... it's great! To see that I can take a bunch of numbers and letters and exponents and other miscellaneous symbols and work them to come up with a correct answer gives me a great sense of accomplishment (I'm not sure what for though, it's not like I'll ever use it). I just don't see how there can be a class another level up with more of this stuff. It seems like we've covered about all that there could be to cover.
I'm done with classes for the week and only have to work tomorrow yet. Then two glorious extra days off before reaching the weekend. Maybe I can catch up on a few things over the extra long weekend.