My professor in my Weed-Out 102 accounting class wants me to construct a predetermined overhead rate from a little bit of nothing and journalize a bunch of accounting entries from a little more of nothing!! I went to his office this morning before class to inquire whether we’d had sufficient instruction from prior classes to complete the quiz at this point. He claimed we had. I, and every classmate that I’d spoken to, would differ in opinion! He wouldn’t even let me tell him where my thought process was going to see if I had any clue whatsoever. Didn’t mean to put me off—just doesn’t want to give any undue advantage, he said. Hogwash and malarkey!!
He did acknowledge in class that he’s heard from a lot of students about the predetermined overhead and gave us a teeny, tiny morsel of a hint that could have been missed, had one been mildly distracted at the moment. That tiny hint did sorta confirm that I was beginning to meander down the right path, but still…what does he think we are?? A bunch of genii??
I’m figuring out why people speak of these classes with such horror in their voices. Each class has a quiz due nearly every week that involves much time and lots of backward thinking to back into a solution. If they get progressively harder, whatever shall I do?!?
Well, this quiz is due in a little less than 48 hours and I’ve got lots of ground to cover between now and then.